sugar - Glucose is a type of:, food - We get glucose from:, pancreas - The organ that regulates blood sugar levels., hormone - Insulin is a:, glucagon - Alpha cells secrete the hormone:, insulin - Beta cells secrete the hormone: Beta cells secrete the hormone:, effects - Glucagon and insulin have opposite:, glycogen - The liver takes up glucose and stores it as:, glucose - Glucagon makes the liver breakdown and release:, One - Do type one or type two diabetics not make insulin?, rise - After eating a cupcake, blood sugar levels:, fall - Exercising and not eating for a long time cause blood sugar levels to:, respiration - Low levels of blood glucose mean cells cannot get the glucose they need to do:, receptor - In glucoregulation the pancreas is the:, liver - Which organ stores glucose as glycogen?,

Glucose regulation


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