纬线 wěi xiàn - the line of latitude, 北纬 běi wěi - north latitude, 南纬 nán wěi - south latitude, 经线 jīng xiàn - the line of longitude, 东经 dōng jīng - east longitude, 西经 xī jīng - west longitude, 方向 fāng xiàng - direction, 东西 dōng xī - east and west, 南北 nán běi - south and north, 形状 xíng zhuàng - shapes, 圆 yuán - circle, 半圆 bàn yuán - semi-circle, 长度 cháng dù - length, 一样长 yí yàng cháng - the same length, 不一样长 bù yí yàng cháng - not the same length, 连接 lián jiē - connect, 分开 fēn kāi - separate, 经过 jīng guò - pass through,

Y5 T2 CLIL Vocabulary Revision 2



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