1) They sit around a ( ). a) along b) forest  c) bonefire d) starry e) through f) behind 2) '경치'를 의미하는 단어는? a) scene b) sense c) mountain d) land e) scenery 3) She walks ( ) the beach. a) up to b) along c) far d) bonefire e) starry 4) jungle, wood와 같은 뜻인 단어(유의어 Synonym)   a) sky b) ocean c) wetland d) forest  e) city f) lake 5) The sun is ( )ing in the west. a) clothes b) along c) sit d) sink e) imagine 6) 빈센트 반 고흐와 관련 있는 단어는?  a) desert b) sea turtle c) bright sun d) starry night e) eagle's eyes 7) The dinosaurs disappeared ( ). a) long ago b) run away c) deep d) area e) form 8) 롯데월드, 에버랜드를 뭐라고 부르나요? a) zoo b) water park c) amusement park  d) campground e) museum 9) under와 뜻이 반대인 단어(반의어 Antonym) a) almost b) behind c) along d) in front of e) on top of 10) 그 야구 선수는 공을 잡는다. a) The baseball player finishes the ball. b) The baseball player touches the ball. c) The baseball player bounces the ball. d) The baseball player catches the ball. e) The baseball player pushes the ball. 11) 우리는 그 지역을 매우 잘 안다. a) We know the hometown very well. b) We know the area very well. c) We know the park very well. d) We know the school very well. e) We know the class very well. f) We know the city very well. 12) Ice ( )s in cold weather.  a) form b) disappear c) head d) melt e) imagine 13) '~을 놓아주다'를 의미하는 단어는? a) let do b) let's go c) let go d) let be e) let's do  14) 소가 불타면? a) 웃소 b) 썩소 c) 싫소 d) 황소 e) 탄소 15) She is afraid of swimming in ( ) water. a) deep b) blue c) big d) light e) warm

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