1) She stopped ___ junk food to improve her health. a) to eat b) eating 2) I really regret ___ those hurtful words to my friend. a) to say b) saying 3) We regret ___ all passengers that flight 435 has been delayed. a) to inform b) informing 4) The dog stopped ___ when it saw its owner. a) to bark b) barking 5) We regret ___ you that the event is postponed. a) to inform b) informing 6) She stopped ___ some takeaways on her way home. a) to get b) getting 7) She regrets not ___ harder for the exam. a) to study b) studying 8) As we were walking through the square, we stopped ___ the street performers. a) to watch b) watching 9) He regrets ___ his job without a backup plan. a) to quit b) quitting 10) I’m going to stop ___ that series because the storyline has got ridiculous a) to watch b) watching 11) They regret not ___ the opportunity to travel before having children a) to take b) taking 12) The dog stopped ___ the tree, so the owner had to wait. a) to sniff b) sniffing 13) I regret ___ that we have to cancel the meeting. We'll reschedule to next week. a) to say b) saying 14) The train stopped ___ more passengers in Hamilton. a) to pick up b) picking up 15) We regret ___ in that failed business venture; we lost a lot of money. a) to invest b) investing 16) The boys stopped ___ football when it started raining. a) to play b) playing 17) We regret ___ about the passing of your grandfather. a) to hear b) hearing 18) The CEO regrets ___ that she is stepping down from her position. a) to announce b) announcing 19) I think I want to stop ___ meat and go vegetarian. a) to eat b) eating 20) They stopped ___ a photo of the amazing view. a) to take b) taking

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