I ____ to you as soon as I ____ some information from our manufacturer. We ____ much profit unless we ____ our prices. Obviously, more and more companies ____ in China in the next few years. Next month I ____ in our San Jose office, so it ____ me more time to get to the office. We ____ the auditions from nine o'clock tomorrow night so stand by for details. By the end of the next year all of the money invested ____. The lecturer expressed hope that a cure for the disease ____ by the year 2030. When the development is completed, 75 parking spaces ____ to the public. By the end of the next year, I ____ for this company for a decade! Time for a change. I'm afraid we ____ until 9pm. I'm not entirely sure that we will have finished ____ 7 o'clock. Next year, we ____ the same model of jeans for five years. I'm awfully sorry! I ____ get in touch with you last week, but I was overloaded with paperwork. There's this new competitor on the market. What ____ we do? The parliamentary session is ____ on May 27th. The rocket is ____ off at noon on Friday. I was ____ home when my colleague asked me a question about the latest order. Ladies and gentlemen, the show is ____. A preliminary hearing was ____ today at 4pm before Mr Justice Hutchison, but was adjourned. In particular, the company ____ position TeamWorks Office as a direct competitor to Lotus Notes.

Future tenses and future time expressions - quiz


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