1) Choose the correct answers. Direct quotations must be. a) Accuarte b) Long c) Short 2) Choose the correct answers. What are the three steps that a direct quote should have? a) Grammar, punctuation and spelling b) Puntuation, grammar and spelling c) Spelling, grammar and italics 3) Choose the correct answers. What should you insert when you find a grammatical error? a) Word (sic) in brackets. b) Word [sic] in italics and in square bracket c) Word /sic/ and slash 4) Choose the correct answers. Some punctuation marks may be changed: a) The first letter of the first word can be changed to an upp b) If you want to draw attention to an error in a quot c) Put the emphasized words in italics, and state that the emphasis is your own 5) Choose the correct answers. Some punctuation marks may be changed: a) Single quotation marks may be changed to double quotat b) Put the emphasized words in italics, and state that the emphasis is your own c) If you want to draw attention to an error in a quot 6) Choose the correct answers. Some punctuation marks may be changed: a) Some punctuation marks at the end of a quota b) If you want to draw attention to an error in a quot c) Put the emphasized words in italics, and state that the emphasis is your own 7) Complete the sentence. When you insert the word [sic] is ......... the error in the quotation. a) Before b) After c) Middle

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