Nectar is a sugary liquid containing mainly sucrose, fructose and glucose. Sucrose has the molecular formula C12H22O11. Fructose and glucose each have the molecular formula C6H12O6. State two differences between sucrose and fructose, other than the number of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen atoms present Sucrose is a ____, while fructose is a ____. ____ is a ____ sugar, while ____ is a ____ sugar. In hummingbirds, glycogen is the long-term carbohydrate energy store. Suggest one reason why hummingbirds build up a greater energy store in the form of triglyceride, rather than a greater energy store of glycogen, in preparation for migration. For the same ____, ____ release ____ energy then ____ to use for migration The source of mineral ions for the plant is the soil solution. These mineral ions are transported from the roots in the xylem. Mineral ions are also found in the phloem sap within phloem sieve tubes. Suggest why mineral ions are found within phloem sieve tubes and state how they are transported within phloem sieve tubes The mineral ions move up the ____ dissolved in water to the source. They can enter ____ sieve tubes when the ____ moves in by ____. This increases the ____ in the ____ so the phloem sap with the mineral ions moves by ____ to the ____ ____ a pressure gradient. Mineral ions stored in the ____ also enter sieve tubes from ____ through ____ The end walls of sieve tube elements are modified to allow efficient flow of phloem sap by the formation of ____. These structures also prevent the cells from bursting under pressure. The cytoplasm of sieve tube elements is very much reduced and is found at the ____ of the cells. Most of the organelles in the cell are ____. Adjacent to sieve tube elements are ____ cells that carry out the metabolic processes of the missing organelles, allowing the sieve tube elements to ____

Translocation/ Sucrose


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