Homologous Structures - Anatomical features that have different functions but similar underlying structures due to recent shared ancestry eg. human arm, dolphin flipper, bat wing, Analogous Structures - Anatomical features that have the same function but very different underlying structures because they do NOT share recent common ancestry eg. bird wings and insect wings, Comparative Anatomy - The higher the number of shared anatomical features the more recently two species diverged from a common ancestor., Vestigial Structures - Anatomical features that are no longer used but reveal shared ancestry with another species eg. whale pelvis bone, Embryo Similarities - Shared anatomical features between embryos reveal what traits their ancestor may have had eg. all vertebrate animal embryos have gills, Fossil Record - Change in species over time preserved in rocks, Radiometric Dating - Method for finding the age of a fossil using the steady rate of decay of radioactive isotopes eg. Carbon dating, Transitional Fossils - Fossil specimens that show the steps of change between an ancestor species and the modern day species eg. horse hooves, DNA Similarity - The higher the percentage of similar base pairs shared between two living species the more recently they diverged from each other eg. humans and chimpanzees have 99.9% similar DNA, Biogeography - Species found in the same geographic location are more likely to have shared a recent common ancestor EXCEPT for when continents have drifted apart, Molecular Clock - Steady known rate of mutation in some genes can be used to estimate how long ago two living species last shared a common ancestor eg. mitochondrial DNA,

Evolution Evidence


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