1) What is a fundamental feature of capitalism according to the podcast? a) Centralized control b) Ownership of the means of production c) Equal distribution of wealth d) Government intervention 2) Why do the hosts believe capitalism acts against the principles of science? a) It promotes centralized control. b) It lacks sufficient government regulation. c) It prioritizes profit over unbiased research d) It encourages excessive government funding for science. 3) What is a significant problem with peer-reviewed journals under capitalism? a) They are too accessible. b) They do not charge for submissions. c) They prioritize profit over quality. d) They have no impact on scientific progress. 4) What economic concept allows individuals to earn money without working in capitalism? a) Minimum wage laws b) Means of production c) Universal basic income d) Tax incentives 5) According to the document, what is a downside of the profit incentive in science? a) It leads to excessive government intervention. b) It discourages competition. c) It makes non-profitable research less common. d) It lowers journal subscription fees. 6) How do the hosts describe the relationship between capitalism and the workforce? a) Cooperative b) Exploitative c) Beneficial d) Harmonious 7) What do the hosts suggest as an alternative to the current scientific model under capitalism? a) Increased privatization b) Reduced government oversight c) A more scientific, evidence-based approach d) Complete deregulation 8) What is a criticism of working from home mentioned in the podcast? a) It increases productivity. b) It is financially detrimental to certain businesses. c) It decreases job satisfaction. d) It leads to higher operational costs. 9) According to the podcast, why is capitalism seen as necessary by some? a) It ensures equal distribution of resources. b) It provides stability and security c) It allows for individual freedom and ownership d) It eliminates poverty and inequality. 10) What is one reason given for the high costs of scientific journals? a) Government mandates b) High competition c) Profit maximization d) Lack of demand 11) How do the hosts view the ability of capitalism to distribute resources without centralized control? a) Effective and efficient b) Problematic and harmful c) Essential and beneficial d) Non-existent 12) What is a challenge faced by scientists due to capitalism, as mentioned in the podcast? a) Lack of funding for profitable research b) Excessive government control over research topics c) Pressure to produce financially beneficial results d) Limited access to basic research tools 13) How do the hosts describe their own engagement with capitalism despite their criticisms? a) Enthusiastic supporters b) Reluctant participants c) Active opponents d) Indifferent bystanders 14) What alternative to capitalism is implied in the podcast? a) Total anarchy b) Communism c) A mixed economy with a focus on science d) Increased privatization 15) Why do the hosts suggest that there are few studies on the effectiveness of capitalism? a) Lack of interest from the scientific community b) It is taken as a given and not questioned c) It is too complex to study d) Government restrictions on such studies 16) What aspect of capitalism do the hosts believe is harmful to society? a) Centralized control b) The profit motive c) Universal healthcare d) Free education 17) What do the hosts suggest is necessary for improving peer review in science? a) More government funding b) Higher journal fees c) A system not based on profit d) Less rigorous review processes 18) What is the relationship between capitalism and scientific advancement, according to the podcast? a) Capitalism fully supports scientific progress b) Capitalism hinders unbiased scientific research c) Scientific progress is independent of economic systems d) Capitalism ensures adequate funding for all research. 19) How do the hosts suggest capitalism affects the accessibility of scientific knowledge? a) It makes it universally accessible. b) It restricts access to those who can afford it. c) It has no effect on accessibility d) It promotes open access for all. 20) What do the hosts believe is a consequence of prioritizing profit in scientific journals? a) Increased collaboration among scientists b) Higher quality of published research c) Limited access to important studies d) More innovative discoveries

The Science of Capitalism (with The Champagne Socialist) | Sci Guys Podcast 1


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