1) ___ you might go to work sick because you have too much work, it's important to consider the negative impact on colleagues. a) Leading to b) However c) Although d) On the other hand 2) You can infect colleagues and customers, ___ increased sick leave overall. a) despite b) leading to c) although d) on the other hand 3) Going to work sick means that you can make others sick. ___, it can lengthen your recovery time and make you less productive than if you simply take a day off. a) However b) Moreover c) Whereas d) Nevertheless 4) ___ being as sick as a dog, Carl still went into work. a) Nevertheless b) As well as c) In spite of the fact that d) Despite 5) Jack was running a high fever and feeling dizzy. ___, he stupidly decided to drive into work. a) Leading to b) Nevertheless c) As a result d) Although 6) ___ continuing to work might seem like the responsible choice, in reality, prioritizing rest can lead to a speedier recovery. a) As soon as b) Whereas c) Despite d) Moreover 7) People go to work sick because they don’t want to let their team down. ___, spreading illness can harm the productivity of the whole team. a) On the other hand b) As soon as c) Nevertheless d) As a result 8) Continuing to work can prevent a backlog of tasks building up. ___, your illness can impair your ability to concentrate and slow your recovery. a) As a result b) As soon as c) Nevertheless d) However 9) Uma went to work ___ she knew she was Covid-positive. a) moreover  b) as well as c) despite d) in spite of the fact that 10) Irena went to work with the flu. ___ the whole office got sick. a) Nevertheless b) However c) Leading to d) As a result 11) Staying home when sick stops you spreading your germs ___ allowing you time to recover. a) nevertheless b) as a result c) as well as d) moreover  12) You should ring your boss ___ you know you are sick to allow them time to find a replacement. a) as soon as b) in spite of the fact that c) whereas d) however

Linking expressions: Are we taking too much time off?


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