Alan did not go to the canteen Last Monday, Pak Hamid was at the garden yesterday, Ilyas play football in the yard last Sunday, Nizar studied Math last night , She washed her hands yesterday, Fabio bought some tickets last Monday, Hana drank some water yesterday , Ilmi talked to Fauzi two days ago, Qaireen gave Aqila an ice cream cone yesterday, Aisyah and Cici were in the playground last week , Akbar was tired, Kineta was cold, Abi was happy, Bu Niluh was in the kitchen last night, Atan’s father was at the office last night, Pak Udin went to Jakarta, He was thirsty an hour ago, Jovita and his family were cold yesterday, He visited his grandmother, she did many activities, she watered the flowers, she went to supermarket with her mother by a motorcycle, We were sleepy last night, They were worried last night, I was alone yesterday, Pak Udin was angry at the cat last night, Musa’s mother was in the market last week, Nikita listened to the music last night, Bisma gave his brother an ice cream cone yesterday, They called their friend,


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