buy cigarettes or vapes - 18, vote in a general election - 18, be legally responsible for a crime - 10 – 14 for manslaughter and murder – for other crimes court has to prove they knew it was wrong., babysit other children - 14 is the accepted age. However you must still assess whether the babysitter is reliable and mature enough, move out and go flatting - 16 (or younger if your parents provide care), use a gun when you go hunting - 16 to get a firearms licence, leave school - 16, although 15 years olds may be able to leave to get a job or training with permission from Ministry of Education, drive a truck - 18, and have + full licence for 6 months, rent a car - 18, but restrictions/costs for anyone under 25, get married - 18, or 16-17 with permission from Family court (to avoid forced marriages), get a loan or credit card - 18. Usually around 7 for opening a bank account, have sex - Both people must be at least 16, get a tattoo or piercing without parental consent - By law 16, but some cities like Auckland have by-laws raising it to 18, choose which (divorced) parent to live with - If you are under 16, your parents or the Court will decide, but the older and more mature you are, the more your views should be accounted for., drink alcohol at home - No legal age for drinking, 18 for buying alcohol, learn to drive - You can apply for your learner licence aged 16+, and 6 months later take your restricted., make medical decisions - You can consent or refuse consent over 16, but your views might be taken into account under 16., fly a plane - You need to be 16 to fly solo, but can take lessons before,
At what age can you... in New Zealand?
New Zealand
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