1) Manifest destiny was ... ? a) The belief of Americans that it was their God-given duty to own and settle all of the land in America  b) The land in the middle of America c) A politician in America who argued for moving west d) The new McDonald's burger 2) The land on the great plains is ... ? a) Varied all the way across b) Hot like a desert with lots of sand c) Rich and green with lots of plant life d) Icy and cold like the Arctic  3) The groups of people who went west first were ... ? a) Mormons, mountain men, plains Indians, pioneer farmers b) The Mormons, the mountain men, the pioneer farmers and the 49ers c) Tradesmen looking to make their fortune.   d) The Donner Party 4) A push factor is ... ? a) something that forces you to leave your home  b) something that attracts you to somewhere 5) The Donner party was forced to do what to survive...? a) live off the land b) cannibalise their own party  c) turn back to the East d) trade with the Indians 6) The Plains Indians believed in ... ? a) manifest destiny  b) conflict with white settlers all the time  c) respect for the land  d) murdering all the buffalo 7) The Mormons were led over the plains by ... ? a) Joseph Smith b) Colonel Chivington c) Mr Russell d) Brigham Young 8) The Mormons believed ... ? a) in polygamy  b) that they were the chosen ones c) that Joseph Smith had two gold plates  d) that Brigham Young was sent by God 9) The Bureau of Indian Affairs was set up in 1824 under what branch of government ... ? a) internal affairs  b) external affairs  c) none - it was separate from the government  d) the war office


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