1) I 'm trying to get over... a) Covid b) a Covid c) the Covid 2) I have... a) splitting headache b) a splitting headache c) the splitting headache 3) The oncologist told her that she has ... a) cancer b) a cancer c) the cancer 4) I suffer from... a) sinusitis b) a sinusitis c) the sinusitis 5) I've never had... a) measles b) a measles c) the measles 6) I have... a) cold b) a cold c) the cold 7) I 've got... a) flu b) a flu c) the flu 8) I often suffer from ... in the spring a) hayfever b) a hayfever c) the hayfever 9) I have... a) sore throat b) a sore throat c) the sore throat 10) I have... in my hands. a) arthritis b) an arthritis c) the arthritis 11) I had... last year. a) heart attack b) a heart attack c) the heart attack 12) I had ... as a child a) whooping cough b) a whooping cough c) the whooping cough 13) I've got... a) terrible cough b) a terrible cough c) the terrible cough 14) My mum had .... when she was 62. a) stroke b) a stroke c) the stroke

Illnesses and conditions: a, the or no article?


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