1) What are your school things ? 2) What is your father's job? 3) What do you want to be when you grow up? 4) What do you wear every day? 5) What have you got in your lunch box? 6) Describe your father, please  7) What food do you like? What food don't you like? 8) describe the snake , please 9) Where is your father? 10) what can you do? What can't you do? 11) How many books are there? 12) How many cups are in the picture?  13) Describe your bedroom. please ? 14) What can the cat do? 15) what is your school name?   16) Can you run? 17) Where is the pen? 18) How many stars can you see? 19) What’s your class name? 20) What’s your math teacher’s name? 21) What can your father do? 22) Do you like chicken? Pizza? Cheese sandwiches? 23) What has your mother got in her bag? 24) What are the days of the week? 25) Do you help your mum? 26) Do you read books or stories? 27) How many boys and girls are there in your class ? 28) tell the story of the tiger and the monkey? 29) What do you do everyday? 30) What time do you wake up?

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