karyotype - Genetic test that looks at the size, shape, and number of chromosomes in a sample of cells from your body, chromosome - Hold threadlike DNA together in nucleus, double helix - Shape of double stranded DNA, dna - deoxyribose nucleic acid, sugar phosphate backbone - outsides of the double strands of DNA, base pairs - matching pairs holding the two strands together in the middle, gene - segment of DNA around 300 base pairs coding for a protein, protein - collagen, keratin, haemoglobin, nuclues - the organ in the cell protecting the DNA, replication - copying of the DNA in order to make a new cell, translation - opening the DNA and reading one gene to make something, allele - version of a gene, intersex - have one extra or one less sex chromosome, male - one x and one y chromosome, female - two x chromosomes, trisomy 21 Downs - three copies of chromosome number 21, dominant - the allele is always seen, recessive - the allele is masked, genotype - the alleles inherited for a trait, phenotype - visible physical characteristic,
yr 10 genetics
Year 10
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