Tom / not draw planes and cars. - He / draw trees and houses., I / not comb my hair every night. - I / comb my hair every morning., Lilly / not watch TV in the morning. - She / watch TV in the evening., Harry / not wash the car twice a month. - He / wash the car once a month., Grandma / not try to use the computer. - She / try to use the tablet., Mum / not have a snack in the afternoon. - She / have lunch in the afternoon., You / not tidy your bedroom every day. - You / tidy your bedroom every Saturday., My friend / not learn French at school. - He / learn English at school., Leo / not share his sandwich with Robert. - He / share his sandwich with Ella., My cat / not sleep in the garden. - My cat / sleep on its bed.,

Lesson 9: Present Simple (Speaking) (A1)


Retournez les tuiles est un modèle à composition non limitée. Il ne génère pas de points pour un classement.

Style visuel


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