biography - an account of someone's life written by someone else., biology - the study of life, biodiversity - the diversity of species in nature, biochemist - an expert in or student of the branch of science of chemical processes within living organisms., aquatics - all activities in the water, aquamarine - a blue semiprecious stone, aquarium - a place that houses animals that live in water, aquaculture - the rearing of aquatic animals or the cultivation of aquatic plants for food, Aquarius - a sign of the zodiac, autograph - The signature of someone famous which is specially written for a fan to keep., transform - make a marked change in the form, nature, or appearance of., transition - the process or a period of changing from one state or condition to another, aquaplane - A vehicle slides out of control on a wet road., skein - a ball of wool, aquifer - ground water storage, choreograph - design a dance, biohazard - Something, such as a disease or a chemical, that may harm people, animals, or the environment., graphic - any visual representation of information,
Vocabulary Revision
Year 7
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