Density - The mass of air particles per unit volume, decreasing with increasing altitude., Troposphere - The lowest atmospheric layer closest to Earth, about 11 km thick, containing most of the atmosphere's mass (75-80%) and where weather occurs, Stratosphere - The atmospheric layer above the troposphere, extending up to 50 km above Earth, containing the ozone layer., Sea level - The base level of the atmosphere, where the highest density of gases occurs., Mesosphere - The atmospheric layer above the stratosphere, having the coldest temperatures, decreasing with increasing altitude., Thermosphere - The atmospheric layer above the mesosphere, where temperatures rise dramatically with altitude., Kinetic Energy - The energy of motion of air molecules, used as a measure of air temperature., Atmospheric Density - The measure of air mass per unit volume, highest at sea level and decreasing with altitude., Atmospheric Pressure - The force exerted by the weight of air molecules on a surface, affected by gravity, temperature, and density., Infrared Energy - Heat energy transferred from Earth's surface, heating the troposphere., Ultraviolet Radiation - High-energy radiation from the Sun, absorbed by the ozone layer in the stratosphere., Convection Currents - Circulatory movements in the troposphere that result from the heating of Earth's surface, affecting weather., Ozone layer - A layer within the stratosphere containing ozone gas (O₃), which absorbs ultraviolet radiation from the Sun., Stratopause - The boundary between the stratosphere and mesosphere, characterized by a temperature transition., Mesopause - The boundary between the mesosphere and thermosphere., Tropopause - The boundary between the troposphere and stratosphere, marked by a change in temperature., Altitude - The height above sea level or Earth's surface, which affects temperature and atmospheric conditions.,
ESS Atmosphere: Pressure, density and temperature
Year 13
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