1) anything that satisfies or pleases, as a return for something done a) patience b) obstacle c) reward d) accept 2) continue to live through hardship or adversity a) reward b) endure c) accept d) impatient 3) the ability to stay calm when there is a delay a) patience b) overcome c) goal d) endure 4) to win against or defeat; to get over or past a) overcome b) impatient c) reward d) obstacle 5) a result that one is attempting to achieve a) obstacle b) accept c) impatient d) goal 6) something that stops forward movement or progress a) reward b) patience c) obstacle d) goal 7) to take when given; receive willingly a) accept b) impatient c) obstacle d) overcome 8) not willing or able to wait calmly. a) overcome b) reward c) impatient d) patience


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