1) Ja jeździłem na rowerze we wrześniu. a) I rode a bike on September. b) I rode a bike in September. c) I did ride a bike in September. d) I did ride a bike on September.  2) Czy Ty pisałeś test w zeszłym tygodniu? a) Did you write a test in last week? b) Did you wrote a test last week? c) Did you wrote a test in last week? d) Did you write a test last week? 3) Czy on był w Hiszpanii w 2019 roku? a) Was he in Spain in 2019? b) Did he was in Spain in 2019? c) Did he was in Spain in the 2019? d) Was he is Spanish in 2019? 4) Natalie nie kupiła nowej pary butów, bo nie miała wystarczającej ilości pieniędzy. a) Natalie didn't bought a new pair of shoes because she didn't had enough money. b) Natalie didn't buy new pair of shoes because she didn't have enough money. c) Natalie didn't buy a new pair of shoes because she didn't have enough money. d) Natalie didn't buy new pair of shoes because she had enough money. 5) Oni podróżowali do Włoch dwa lata temu. a) They traveled to Italia two years ago. b) They travelled to Italy two years ago. c) They travelled to Italia two years ago. d) They traveled to Italy two years ago. 6) James został wczoraj w domu, ale nie oglądał telewizji. a) James staied at home yesterday, but he didn't watch TV. b) James stayed at home yesterday and he didn't watch TV. c) James stayed at home yesterday, but he watched TV. d) James stayed at home yesterday, but he didn't watch TV. 7) To był fantastyczny dzień. Widzieliśmy dwa delfiny. a) It was a fantastic day. We saw two dolfins. b) It was a fantastic day. We saw two dolphins. c) It was a fantastic day. We did saw two dolphins. d) It was a fantastic day. We did see two dolphins. 8) W zeszły piątek nie mieliśmy lekcji w szkole. a) Last Friday we didn't have lessons at school. b) Last Friday we didn't have lesson at school. c) Last Friday we didn't have lessons in the school. d) Last Friday we didn't have lessons in school. 9) My przybyliśmy późno do kina we wtorek. a) We arrival late to the cinema on Tuesday. b) We arrived late to cinema on Tuesday. c) We arrived late to the cinema on Tuesday. d) We arrived late to the cinema in Tuesday. 10) Nauczyciel był zirytowany, bo zapomniałem mojej pracy domowej. a) Teacher was annoyed because I forgot my homework. b) Teacher were annoyed because I forgot my homework. c) The teacher was annoyed because I forget my homework. d) The teacher was annoyed because I forgot my homework. 11) Fale były wysokie na dwa metry. a) The waves were two meters high. b) The wave were two meters high. c) The waves was two metres high. d) The waves did be two metres high. 12) My znaleźliśmy dużo śmieci i je pozbieraliśmy. a) We founded a lot of rubbish and we collected them. b) We finded a lot of rubbish and we collected them. c) We found a lot of rubbish and we collected them. d) We found a lot of rubbish and we collect them. 13) Wczoraj był piękny dzień. a) It did be a beautiful day yesterday. b) It was a beautiful day yesterday. c) It were a beautiful day yesterday. d) It was beautiful day yesterday. 14) Ja poszedłem piechotą do szkoły wczoraj, bo mój rower miał przebitą oponę. a) I walked to school yesterday because my bike had a flat tyre. b) I walked to the school yesterday because my bike had a flat tyre. c) I walked to school yesterday because my bike have a flat tyre. d) I walked to school yesterday because my bike had flat tyre.

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