1) Traditional Christmas food in England a) a pudding b) a cake c) a pie 2) ... brings children a lot of presents a) Mr Frost b) Santa Claus c) Santa Brown 3) Santa Claus comes to children on his... a) car b) sleigh c) skis 4) They also put a beautiful ... in the house a) birch tree b) apple tree c) Christmas tree 5) People always decorate their Christmas tree with... a) candles and sweets b) nuts and candles c) lights and balls 6) Children put their ... on the fireplace a) gloves b) stockings c) socks 7) People decorate their houses with branches of ... a) holly b) flowers c) trees 8) Rudolph is the name of Santa's favourite ... a) dog b) bird c) reindeer 9) Parents put a lot of ... under the Christmas tree a) books b) presents c) balls 10) Parents hang a beautiful ... on the door a) wreath b) picture c) biscuit 11) People light ... in their houses a) torches b) candles c) lamps 12) Children often make a ... in the street a) snowball b) snowman c) snowflake


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