Legitimisation  - People are trained to believe, through the process of socialisation that some actions are acceptable and others less so., Internalisation - Some rules become so much part of an individuals thinking that they cannot be broken because they are part of the persons identity, Coercion - People are forced to act in certain ways through fear of punishment or sanctions, Formal Social Control - when there are specific rules and people who break those rules are punish according to a clear set of principles, Informal Social Control - consists of the unwritten rules such as norms, morals and values through which we regulate our behaviour. Those who break these will experience hostility and rejection, Sanction - This is a threatened penalty for disobeying a law or a rule, "The collective consciousness" - What Durkheim refers to as the universal beliefs and values of a society, Hirschi's Control Theory - Criminal activity occurs when an individuals attachment to society is weakened,

Intro to Crime and Deviance Key terms


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