1) Aşağıdakilerden hangisi doğrudur? a) I have breakfast at 7:00 o'clock b) I go to school at 7:25 o'clock c) I brush teeth at 8:00 o'clock d) I have lunch at 8:45 o'clock 2) "is there "hangi cümlede doğru kullanılmıştır? a) İs there do b) There is any Apple? c) İs there any banana? d) Are there phone? 3) "Ankara dolu yağıyor" What is the wheater like in Ankara?cümleye göre sorunun cevabı nedir? a) İt is foggy b) İt is rainy c) İt is windy d) İt is hailing 4) Hangi cümlede derece doğru gösterilmiştir? a) Thirty degrees celcius b) Twenty there degrees celcius c) Eighty four degrees celcius d) Fifty degrees celcius 5) How does she feel? a) İt is sad b) İt is happy c) İt is moody d) İt is great


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