1) An amazing place that few tourists know about a) hidden gem b) jet lag c) tourist trap d) off the beaten track 2) feeling tired after very long flight because the time has changed a) tourist trap b) jet lag c) get away from it all d) holiday of a lifetime 3) there are a lot of people and things cost much more a) hordes of tourist b) off the beaten track c) hidden gem d) tourist trap 4) the best holidays you've ever spent a) get away from it all b) holiday of a lifetime c) jet lag d) hidden gem 5) spend your holidays in a place that differs from where people usually prefer to go a) get away from it all b) hidden gem c) off the beaten track d) tourist trap 6) many tourists a) tourist trap b) off the beaten track c) jet lag d) hordes of tourist 7) not very popular and quiet a) tourist trap b) off the beaten track c) get away from it all d) hidden gem



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