Logical Order- in a reasonable order that makes sense and readers can follow, Cause- the reason, Effect- the result or what happens, Cause and Effect- text is organized to show the reasons why an event happens and what occurs because of that event., Words that signal cause and effect- As a Result; Because; Consequently; Since; Therefore, Compare- show how things are alike, Contrast- to show how things are different, Compare and Contrast- is organized to show similarities and differences, Words that signal compare and contrast- Also; Although; As well as; But; Not only; However; On the other hand, Sequential order- to show the order in which events happen or should be done, Words that signal sequential order- First; Second; Third; Last; Later; Finally, Order of importance- most important to least important or least important to most important, Classification- organized into categories or groups, Problem- the issue or what is wrong, Solution- the way the problem could be solved, Problem and solution is organized to present a problem and then show a solution.


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