1) How much has your level of English improved recently? 2) How long have you been living where you live now? 3) How many different places have you lived in in your life? 4) Have you made any new friends recently? 5) How may times have you met your best friend this month? 6) How have you been spending your days off recently? 7) Have you decided what you're going to do in your next long holiday? 8) How long have you been using your mobile phone? 9) How have mobile phones changed over the last 10 years? 10) What kind of movies have you been watching recently? 11) What are some of the books you have read? 12) Are there any blogs you have been following? 13) What good restaurants have you eaten at? 14) What have you been doing with your free time recently? 15) Have you been getting enough exercise? 16) What has been happening in the news lately? 17) Have you ever had a dream that came true? 18) Have you been doing something new for a while? 19) Have you ever left something important somewhere? Like on a bus or in a taxi? 20) Have you ever won a competition?

Have you...? Present perfect simple and continuous


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