sun (15) - The ____ is shining!, soap (5) - I wash my hands with ____ and water., castle (10) - The princess sits inside the ____., sand (15) - I built a ____ castle at the beach., soup (15) - I ate some chicken noodle ____., six (5) - I am ____ years old., sorry (20) - The boy hit his friend but then felt bad and said ____!, Face (15) - Your nose, mouth, and eyes are all body parts on your ______., Seat (20) - Yesterday my mom told me, sit down in your _____ and don't stand up again!, race (15) - My favorite horse won the ____!, sock (15) - When i took off my shoes, I saw there was a hole in my _____!, bracelet (20) - I'm wearing a silver _____ on my wrist, baseball (10) - Sam threw the _______ to his dad when we were playing outside, see (15) - Can you ____ me without your glasses?, sits (25) - Stella ____ on the sofa and watches T.V.,

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