1) to quickly have a very friendly relationship a) TO GET ON LIKE A HOUSE ON FIRE b) TO LOOK DOWN ON SB c) TO KEEP IN TOUCH 2) if someone ……….. your …………, they annoy you, especially by doing something all the time - synonym irritate a) TO GET ON LIKE A HOUSE ON FIRE b) TO GET ON ONE’S NERVES c) TO HAVE IT IN FOR SB 3) a difficulty or problem that is caused when a person, relationship, or organization has too much to do or too many problems to deal with a) TO GET ON ONE’S NERVES b) TO PUT A (GREAT) STRAIN ON STH c) TO TURN SOUR 4) to criticize someone and make them feel silly or stupid - synonym belittle a) TO TURN SOUR b) TO LOOK UP TO SB c) TO PUT SB DOWN 5) want to make life difficult for someone because you dislike them a) TO HAVE IT IN FOR SB b) TO TAKE TO SB c) TO TURN SOUR 6) a …………………. or situation that is ……….. is difficult and may not continue or be successful a) TO TAKE TO SB/STH b) TO HAVE A ROCKY RELATIONSHIP c) TO KEEP (YOURSELF) TO (YOURSELF) 7) if a RELATIONSHIP or plan turns or goes ………………………, it becomes less enjoyable, pleasant, or satisfactory a) TO HAVE IT IN FOR SB b) TO TAKE AN INSTANT DISLIKE TO SB c) TO TURN SOUR 8) to refuse to help, support, or be involved with someone a) TO KEEP (YOURSELF) TO (YOURSELF) b) TO TURN ONE’S BACK ON SB c) TO HAVE IT IN FOR SB 9) to start to like someone or something a) TO TAKE TO SB/STH b) TO TURN ONE’S BACK ON SB c) TO LOOK DOWN ON SB 10) to dislike someone immediately a) TO TURN ONE’S BACK ON SB b) TO KEEP IN TOUCH c) TO TAKE AN INSTANT DISLIKE TO SB 11) to admire or respect someone a) TO KEEP (YOURSELF) TO (YOURSELF) b) TO LOOK UP TO SB c) TO GET ON LIKE A HOUSE ON FIRE 12) to think that you are better than someone else a) TO LOOK UP TO SB b) TO LOOK DOWN ON SB c) TO KEEP (YOURSELF) TO (YOURSELF) 13) to live a very quiet private life and not do many things that involve other people a) TO TAKE TO SB b) TO LOOK DOWN ON SB c) TO KEEP (YOURSELF) TO YOURSELF 14) keep writing or talking, even though you do not see each other often a) TO HAVE IT IN FOR SB b) TO LOOK DOWN ON SB c) TO KEEP IN TOUCH 15) to be friendly with each other immediately a) TO HIT IT OFF WITH SB b) TO KEEP IN TOUCH c) TO HAVE IT IN FOR SB

Ready for Advanced Unit 5 pg. 75 Relationships


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