True: The Enormous Crocodile lives in a muddy river in Africa, The Enormous Crocodile has secret plans and clever tricks, Trunky thinks TEC is a filthy fiend., TEC disguises himself as a coconut tree., Humpy Rumpy saves Mary and Toto, TEC disguises himself as a seesaw, Muggle-Wump saves the children from TEC in the playground., TEC disguises himself as an animal on a merry-go-round, Roly-Poly bird saves the children from being eaten., TEC disguises himself as a picnic bench, TEC plays four clever tricks, Trunky throws TEC into the sun , False: The Not So Big Crocodile thinks children taste delicious., The Not So Big Crocodile wants to help the Enormous Crocodile capture children, Humpy-Rumpy is The Enormous Crocodile's friend, Muggle-Wump thinks TEC should eat three children., TEC eats Roly-Poly Bird., TEC disguises himself as a teacher, Mary and Toto get eaten by TEC, TEC hides inside a child's home, TEC plays 10 clever tricks, Trunky eats TEC,

The Enormous Crocodile True or False



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