1) They ... (1. wait) until everyone (2. leave) ..... the bank and then .....(3.break in) a) 1. waited b) 1. were waiting c) 2. had left d) 2. was leaving e) 3. broke in f) 3. were breaking in 2) When the helicopter finally ... (1.find) us, we ... (2. sit) in the lifeboat for hours and (3. eat) all our food. a) 1. had found b) 1. found c) 2. sat d) 2. had been sitting e) 3. ate f) 3. had eaten 3) When we ... (1. get) to the party, everyone ... (2. dance) and (3. drink) a) 1. were getting b) 1. got c) 2. danced d) 2. was dancing e) 3. ate f) 3. eating 4) I couldn't see anything as I ... (1. lose) my glasses. a) lost b) was losing c) had lost d) had been losing 5) I was so late by the time I got there, all the food ... (be/eat) a) had eaten b) was eaten c) had been eaten 6) He was covered in blood and ... (1. tear). It was clear he ... (2. fight) again a) 1. torn b) 1. had torn c) 2. fought d) 2. had been fighting 7) I ... (1. have) breakfast and (2. listen) to the news when the phone (3. ring) a) 1. had b) 1. was having c) 2. listened d) 2. listening e) 3.was ringing f) 3. rang 8) When we ... (1. get) to the cinema, the film (2. start) so we missed the beginning a) were getting b) had got c) got d) was starting e) had started f) started 9) As soon as she ... (1. get) home, she (2. make) herself a sandwich a) get b) got c) had got d) make e) was making f) made 10) We ... (1. drive) for about ten minutes when we (2. notice) smoke coming from the engine. a) 1. had been driving b) 1. drove c) 2. had been noticing d) 2. noticed

Narrative tenses



દૃશ્યમાન શૈલી


ટેમ્પલેટ બદલો

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