How would you react if there was an earthquake in your city? Why?, If you visited London how would you spend your time there? Why?, If you found a wallet full of money on the street what would you do? Would it be a difficult decision?, What would you ask David Beckham if you met him? Why?, If you were a teacher how would you run your lessons? Do you think that it would be an easy job? Why?, If you found a mouse in your bedroom how hard would you scream?, If you could time travel and communicate with your younger self what advice would you give yourself? Why?, If you were able to play the piano, which song would you love to play?, How would you react if you saw a spider in the bath? Why?, If you had the chance to meet the Beatles what questions would you ask them? Why?, What would you do if somebody lost a wallet full of money on the train and you found it? Would you 'acquire' it?, If you had the possibility to attend free evening classes what would you decide to study? Why?, Where would you travel to if you had the ability to fly? Why?, If you visited Scotland would you buy a kilt and go around in it? Why?, If you lost your phone would you survive without it? Why?, What would you say to Beyoncé if you had the opportunity to meet her? Why?, If you met your future self what burning questions would you have for them? Why?, If you could have a new pet for free which one would you choose? Why?, Where would you search for your wallet if you lost it?, How would you react if a black cat crossed your path? Why?, If you won a million pounds how would you spend it? What's the first thing you'd run out to buy? Why?, If you could read minds whose mind would you choose to read first? Why?, If you could speak 3 languages which ones would they be? Why?, What would you eat if you lived in Mexico? Would you like it? Why?, If you won a hundred pounds which charitable organisation would you give it to? Why?, What would your house be like if you lived in Japan? , If there was an alien invasion would you go with them? Why?, What would you say to Michael Jackson if you were able to meet him? , Would you give bungee jumping a go if you could try any new sport? Why?, If you were 18 years old again would you go back to school? Why?, If you had a car where would you travel to? Why? Who would you invite with you? , If you went to America which monuments would you visit? , Who would you call if there was a mouse in your bedroom? , What would you do if you found a wallet full of money at your language school?, How do you think you would react if you met Barack Obama? Would you have any burning questions for him?, Do you think that your personality would be different if you were from Australia? If yes, how? If no, why?, If you went to China what foods would you want to try?, If you won the lottery what would you spend your winnings on? Why?, If you met your hero wow would you react? Would you speak to them or do you think you would be overwhelmed?, If you could talk to animals or breathe underwater which one would you choose? Why?, If you had the opportunity to study any subject for free which one would you choose? Why?, How would your life be different if you lived in France?.

Second conditional scenarios (B2-C1)



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