0 conditional: If it rains, the ground gets wet., If you mix yellow and green, you get blue., If you smoke, you ruin your lungs., If you don't sleep enough, you feel tired and unproductive., 1st conditional: If I don't sleep enough today, I will fail my test tomorrow., If I am too nervous tomorrow, I will ruin the conference., If he proposes to me, I will agree., If you continue eating that much, you will gain weight. , No one will notice if you make a mistake., If the weather is fine, we will go to the beach., If I spend an hour more in this shop, I will get a terrible headache., 2d conditional: If I met the President, I would tell him to invest in education., If I saved a little money every week, I would be able to buy a car by 2022., If I were rich, I would travel around the world. , If I were you, I would break up with this man., If I could live anywhere, I would live in Greece., 3d conditional: If I hadn't met you that day, we wouldn't have married each other., If I hadn't drunk so much yesterday, I wouldn't have collapsed in the middle of the party., If you hadn't been so absent-minded, your wallet wouldn't have been stolen., If we hadn't bought a house, we wouldn't have been able to spend the lockdown there., If I hadn't decided to go to that casting, I would have never got this role.,



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