1) Which one is more important for success? Being intelligent or being hard working? 2) Is there anyone who can be defined as "genius" in your country? Why? 3) Do you think genius people can be good leaders? 4) Edison stated that, "Being genius is 1% inspiration, 99% perspiration (hard work). Please explain this quote. 5) What are the features that make a person genius? 6) What are the negative results of spending time in social media? 7) What are the effects of mass media (TV, social media, newspapers) on children's psychology? 8) What steps should government take to protect children against on-screen violence? 9) What steps should parents take to protect children against on-screen violence? 10) Which social media platform do you use the most? Why? 11) How does media/social media affect the society in general? 12) Do you think there is too much advertisement on the media or is it necessary? 13) Do you think media covers too much bad news instead of good news? How do you think it affects people? 14) Do you think media mostly shows important news? 15) How does aging affects a person's personality? In a good way or in a bad way? 16) What are the qualities that make someone an adult? 17) Is being older more difficult for men or women? Why? 18) What kind of responsibilities do adults have? 19) What are the advantages and disadvantages of being an adult? 20) How do you think advertisements affect a person's preferences? 21) What are the most important factors for you when buying something? Price, quality, fashion etc.? 22) Do you think women like shopping more than men? Why or why not? 23) What do you mostly use your phone for? Can you do them without a phone? 24) Do you try to take break from using phones or computers? Why or why not? 25) What strategies can be used to reduce use of mobile phones? 26) Do you think people feel more lonely compared to the past? 27) Do you think being lonely is a good thing for us? 28) What can you advice someone who feels asocial? 29) How do you decide to buy a specific product when there are too many options in the market? 30) TodWe have too many product options in the market. Do you think it is a good thing or a bad thing? 31) What is the worst decision you have given in your life? 32) Have you ever made a decision that changed your life? 33) Talk about a difficult decision that you had to give in your life. 34) What do you think are the qualities of a good leader? 35) What are the potential problems that can occur in an organization without a good leader?



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