1) There are five pencils in the pencil-case: four pink ____ and a yellow ____. 2) -I'd like to try on this suit. -Which ____? 3) Marcus has got many sweaters, but he simply wears the blue ____ because it's his favourite. 4) Give me the papers please! There are 3 different ____. The green ____, the yellow ____ and the red ____. 5) I've got some great new books. I've already read the ____ on my night-table, but I haven't read the ____ in the bookshelf. 6) Can you see the cars over there? The old red ___ is mine and the new white ____ belong to my boss. 7) -Where are my sweets? - Ups! Are you talking about the ____ on the table?  8) She likes the pink flowers more than the red ____. 9) This story is more boring than the other ____. 10) Which ____ of these buses goes to Plaza Moreno? 11) ____ of the dogs is missing. 12) My phone is broken; I hope I get a new ____ for Christmas. 13) I need an apple, can you get me ____ from the fridge? 14) My new TV is the same as my old ____.



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