1) Where are you? 2) What is there in your town? 3) Where are you from? 4) When do you feel frightened? 5) Why are you here? 6) Where does your mother work? 7) How many vacuum cleaners have you got? 8) Who is faster than you? 9) What do you like doing? 10) What are you doing now? 11) What do you always do at your birthday party? 12) Where do you usually do your homework? 13) What are your grandparents doing today? 14) Who often visits you on Sunday? 15) What's your favourite food? 16) What drink is good for you? 17) When does your dad usually go to bed? 18) What are your parents' names? 19) What would you like to do when you grow up? 20) Where were you yesterday? 21) What did you do last week? 22) What can you do very well? 23) How many students are there in your class? 24) How old is your best friend? 25) What's the weather like today? 26) What time do you go to bed at the weekend? 


દૃશ્યમાન શૈલી


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