driver - She/he drives cars and trucks, teacher - He /she teaches at schools or universities, waiter/waitress - takes people's orders in a restaurant and serves food, fashion designer - person who makes and designs clothes, movie director - someone who makes movies, pilot - flies and airplane, writer - someone who writes books and stories, cartoonist - person that can draw cartoons very well, football player - person that can play football very well, scientist - works in a laboratory and makes experiments, journalist - person who reports news on TV, radio or newspapers, doctor - works in a hospital and cures sick people, nurse - works in a hospital and helps doctors, farmer - works on a farm and grows crops or look after animals, actor/ actress - person who acts in a movie , firefighter - rescues people from burning buildings and put out fires, singer - someone who can sing very well, mechanic - repairs machines and vehicles such as cars and buses, hairdresser - someone who cut and styles hair, veterinarian - works in an animal hospital and looks after sick animals,

Occupations/ jobs



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