1) How many States and Territories are in Australia? a) 5 States and 3 Territories b) 8 States and 0 Territories c) 6 States and 2 Territories d) 1 States and 7 Territories 2) Why Australian flag has the Union Jack from the British flag? a) It was a colony. b) There are many Britains. c) Queen Elizabeth II reigns there. 3) The first people who lived in Australia called ... a) Aussies b) Aboriginal Australians. c) Aboriginal British 4) What is the capital of Australia? a) Sydney b) Melbourne c) Uluru d) Canberra 5) What is Digeredoo? (musical instrument) a) Australian guitar b) long tube, made of wood c) wooden drums d) Boomerang 6) The Outback is ... a) uninhabited area with all kinds of animals, especially dangerous: snakes, spiders b) Autralian inhabited part c) Name of the Australian coast 7) The large area of coral with the worlds largest eco system calls ... a) The Grief Reef b) Oceania c) The Great Barrier Reef 8) The most well-known mammals in Australea are ... a) Bats b) Kangaroos c) Snakes d) Turtles e) Koalas f) Spiders 9) How are babies of kangaroos and koalas called? a) babies b) puppies c) joeys

Australia Trivia



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