1) My father .......... to Romania in 1970. a) came b) comed c) come 2) Last year on her birthday, Emma .......... the entire cake. a) eaten b) ate c) eated 3) Yesterday Mike .......... off his bicycle in the park. a) fall b) fell c) felled 4) Last Christmas, Judy's grandchildren .......... carols around the tree. a) singed b) sung c) sang 5) Last year, Jane .......... a beautiful letter to Santa. a) wrote b) writed c) written 6) We .......... to New York last January. a) gone b) go c) went 7) It .......... very cold last night. a) is b) were c) was 8) She .......... her new dress to yesterday's party. a) wore b) weared c) worn 9) They .......... about planning a trip to Italy. a) thinked b) thought c) think 10) Mary .......... a cute photo of her dog Nancy. a) take b) taken c) took 11) On his first day of school, Billy .......... after the bus. a) runs b) ran c) runned 12) Last month I .......... a pretty present for my mother. a) bought b) brought c) buyed 13) Last week, my sister .......... a kitten on the street and .......... it home. a) seen, bringed b) seed, brought c) saw, brought 14) Mary .......... a coin in the garden and .......... it to her little brother. a) found, gave b) find, given c) finded, gived 15) When she was little, our mother .......... three dogs and two cats. a) haved b) has c) had 16) At breakfast, Jimmy .......... a glass of orange juice. a) drinked b) drank c) drunk 17) Mary .......... a new pair of shoes for her birthday. a) got b) get c) getted 18) When he was 8 years old, Jake .......... a book in only two days. a) read (pronounced /riːd/) b) read (pronounced /red/) c) readed 19) Yesterday, she .......... to take a walk in the park. a) choose b) chose c) choosed 20) Their dad .......... Michael Jackson twenty years ago. a) met b) meet c) meeted

Irregular verbs exercise. Past simple



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