Act One - Before the Inspector's entrance: "is it the one you wanted me to have?", "the Titanic – ... unsinkable, absolutely unsinkable.", Act One - Mr Birling's interrogation: "we've several hundred young women there, y'know, and they keep changing.", "She'd had a lot to say – far too much – so she had to go.", Act One - Sheila's confession: "I can't help thinking about this girl – destroying herself so horribly", "I’ll never, never do it again to anybody.", Act Two - Gerald's confession: "sorry – I – well, I've suddenly realized – taken it in properly – that's she's dead-", "You were the wonderful fairy prince. You must have adored it", Act Two - Mrs Birling's interrogation: "I didn't like her manner. She'd impertinently made use of our name", "As if a girl of that sort would ever refuse money!", Act Three - Eric's confession: "I was in that state when a chap easily turns nasty – and I threatened to make a row.", "you're not the kind of father a chap could go to when he's in trouble", Act Three - After the Inspector's exit: "there'll be a public scandal - unless we're lucky", "Whoever that chap was, the fact remains that I did what I did.",


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