True: The milk teeth set consist of 20 teeth. // Set gigi susu terdiri daripada 20 batang gigi, Permanent teeth start to grow early that is,at the age of 6 // Gigi kekal mulai tumbuh seawal usia 6 tahun. , Both the mik teeth and permanent teeth sets have the canines,incisors and molars. // kedua-dua set gigi susu dan set gigi kekal mempunyai gigi taring,gigi kacip dan gigi geraham., False: Contoh gigi pada orang dewasa ialah set gigi susu. // Example of teeth on adult is the milk teeth set., The life span of the permanent teeth is shorter than the mik teeth. // Jangka hayat gigi kekal lebih pendek daripada gigi susu. ,



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