I'm going to go hiking , she isn't going to get in the car, are you going to eat that cake?, it isn't going to rain, can you tell me the way to the airport, the newsagent's is opposite the florist's - just around the corner, excuse me, do you live here?, you have to go along the street and cross the road at the zebra crossing, go to the traffic lights, wait for green and then cross the road, where are you going to go on holiday this year?, who are you going to go with?, where are they going to go on holiday?, how are you going to get there?, first turn right and then go past the butcher's and the post office is on your left, The Grand Canyon is more than 400 km long and almost 2 km deep , there is a lot of sun and almost no shade - so, take a hat and water with you, It is one of the seven wonders of a natural world, the view from the top of the canyon is amazing,

Have a nice trip


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