1) GIS a) gastro-intestinal system b) global information system c) general infection stage 2) CNS a) central nervous system b) central nation station c) communication, navigation, surveillan 3) BP a) blood pressure b) breathe pressure c) basic program 4) Wt a) weight b) weather c) white 5) CPR a) customary, prevalling and reasonable b) cardiopulmonary resuscitation c) circulation product 6) HS a) hours of sleep b) high statement c) heart sounds 7) BR a) bed rest b) brown c) best regards 8) Dx a) day b) diagnosis c) defeated 9) reg a) registration b) regular c) regionar 10) ENT a) ears, nose, throat b) entertainment c) isn`t 11) Pt a) patient b) part time c) pulse tracker 12) OR a) operating room b) open room c) on request 13) Tx a) Texas b) therapy c) transaction 14) o/e a) original equipment b) old english c) on examination 15) ? a) not confirmed b) unknown c) not found

Medical abbreviations 104Л



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