1) A városban élek. a) I live in a village. b) I am a town. c) I live in a town. 2) Itt van egy kórház és busz állomás. a) There is a hospital and a bus station b) There is a supermarket and a bus station. c) There is my mother at the bus station. 3) Vannak a házadnak falai? a) Does your house have doors? b) Does your house have walls? c) Is my house gold? 4) A házad betonból készült? a) Is my house made of wood? b) My house is made of wood. c) Is your house made of concrete? 5) Van a konyhádban ajtó? a) Does your kitchen have a door? b) Does your toilet have a door? c) Is your door made of wood?


દૃશ્યમાન શૈલી


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