1) This is the microscopic view of a) Onion peel b) cheek cells c) Red blood cells 2) Scientist who was not contributed to the cell theory a) Schliden b) Franklin c) Schwann d) Virchow 3) Which part of the cell is often called 'the brain of the cell' a) Mitochondria b) Rough ER c) Nucleus 4) A rigid layer that lies outside the cell membrane  a) Cytoplasm b) Cell wall c) Golgi body 5) Identify the mitochondria a) E b) F c) G 6) The watery liquid that fills the cells a) Chromatin b) Cytoplasm c) Cell membrane 7) This method of cell division occurs in a) Muscle cells b) Nerve cell c) Sperm cell 8) Which type of cell division required to heal the wound  a) Mitosis b) Meiosis 9) Which structure enables the cell to capture light energy from sun  a) b) c) 10) Tinoplast is present in a) Cytoplasm b) Chloroplast c) Vacuole

Animal Cell and Plant Cell Grade 10 by Nethmini miss



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