1028 - Number of Suktas included in Rig-Veda., Tea - First cultivated in China and used as medicine., Egypt - Known as daughter of Nile., The Great Wall of China - The longest human made structure, Pashupati - The three faced figure seated in a yogic posture with th animals around.i, Mesopotamia - Known as Fertile crescent, Porcelain - A hard, white shiny substance used for making delicate pottery., Tutankhamun - Famous tomb of Egypt, Rig Veda - Oldest Veda, Sphinx - Architectural marvel of ancient Egypt with the body of a lion and the head of a human, Mummification - A process of embalming and drying corpses to prevent them from decaying., Sericulture - Breeding of silkworms for the production of silk, Silk - Textile invented in China, Hammurabi - Was the king of Babylonia who conquered Akkad and Sumer, Pharaoh - A king of ancient Egypt considered a god as well as a political and military leader., The Great Bath - A rectangular tank resembling a swimming pool in the citadel of Mohenjo-daro, The Great Pyramid of Giza - _____________in Egypt is one of the Seven Wonders of the World., Hieroglyphic - Formal script of ancient Egyptian was known as________________, Cleopatra - __________ a famous queen of Egypt whose death in 30 BCE also marked the end of the Egyptian civilization., Linen - Egyptians preserved dead bodies by wrapping them with the strips of ______________., Pharaohs - The __________ were also worshipped and were considered as descendants of God., Egyptian Civilization - The ______________ flourished on the bank of river Nile., Seals - Clay tablets, Grannaries - Storehouse to store grains, Ziggurats - Rectangular temple towers of Mesopotamia, Sumerians - One of the earliest races in Mesopotamia was the _____________., Mesopotamian - Mesopotamian civilization was located between the river Tigris & Eurphrates., Mother Goddess - A female deity worshipped by the Harappans, Terracotta - Baked reddish brown clay, Citadel - ___________ consisted of important buildings as Great Bath, the Great granary etc.,




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