1) Which is the common noun from these ? a) Doctor b) Sparrow c) Animals d) Mat e) Fish f) Market 2) Which is the proper noun from these ? a) Taj Mahal b) Books c) Days d) Mountain e) Town f) Sea 3) Write the singular of books a) Bokxs b) Bokxes c) Books d) Bookes e) Bookies f) Book 4) Plural of video a) Video b) Vidies c) Vedio d) Videos e) Videio f) Vidos 5) Singular of daisies a) Daisys b) Daisy c) Daisa d) Disa e) Daisya f) Dais 6) Plural of wish a) Wishes b) Wishies c) Wishas d) Wishis e) Wish f) Wished 7) How many common noun are there is this sentence. ( There are some people. They are seeing that place. See the Sparrow on the tree.) a) Sparrow b) People and place c) People and Sparrow d) People, place and Sparrow

grammar ( Noun) and ( Singular and Plural)



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