1) How many even numbers are prime ? a) Only 1 b) Only 2 c) 3 2) Which digit is the factor of every number? a) 2 b) 10 c) 1 3) Smallest composite number? a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 4) Which digit is neither prime nor composite number? a) 1 b) 2 c) 6 5) Which is Perfect number? a) 5 b) 3 c) 6 6) Which is not the multiple of 7? a) 35 b) 48 c) 56 7) Which of the following is not the factor of 36? a) 12 b) 6 c) 8 8) Which is prime number? a) 45 b) 550 c) 13

Class 6 (3 chapter revision)



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