1) The world is very a) small b) big 2) All homes are big.  a) yes b) no 3) A neighborhood is bigger than a city. a) yes b) no 4) Matias lives in Loreto. Loreto is a  a) city b) town c) country 5) In the country there are woods, farms and.... a) tall buildings b) apartments c) trees 6) Jenna lives in a) the country b) in a big city c) in an apartment 7) In cities you can see a) big buildings b) farms c) woods 8) In cities most people live in a) farms b) tree-houses c) apartments 9) In cities people live a) close together b) far apart 10) Nada lives in a) the country b) a city 11) Nada's city is a) Athens b) London c) Cairo 12) An address tells us a) where a home is b) the name of the city only c) the name of the neighborhood 13) We use an address a) on books b) on letters c) on notebooks 14) "What's your address?" means a) ποιά είναι η διεύθυνσή σου; b) πώς σε λένε; c) σε τί σπίτι μένεις; 15) This is how we write an address in English a) Afanon Iroon 18, Kantza 15351 b) 18 Afanon Iroon, Kantza 15351 c) Kantza, Afanon Iroon

Discover1 Unit 13



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