and: Kumar has a pen ____________ a pencil., Mary can sing _____ dance., Sanjay _____ Divya went to the library., Sandra has a cat ____ a dog in her house., The cows ______ the goats are in the farm., I want to buy two goldfishes ____ a few seahorses for my aquarium., Melissa saw a horse _____ a cow grazing in the field., or: Do you want an apple ______ an orange?, Do you like a tea _______ coffee?, Do you go to school by bus ______ car?, Is Daniel an engineer _____ an architect?, Do you want to cook chicken curry _____ sweet sour crabs?, Which do you prefer? Fish _______ squid?, Which is heavier? An elephant ____ a bear?,

W25 Conjunction



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આપોઆપ સંગ્રહ થયેલ છે: ?